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2020 Census Materials

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About the Massachusetts Census Equity Fund

Click here to read our two-page flier about the Massachusetts Census Equity Fund. 

Click here to learn about the organizations who received grants from MCEF.

2020 Census Timelines

The Minnesota Census Mobilization Partners crafted a timeline for the 2020 Census. Click here for a PDF of the timeline. 

The Census Bureau also created a 2020 Census timeline. Click here for a PDF of the timeline.  

"Hard to Count" Massachusetts Map

This map highlights the areas of the country that are historically undercounted. The live version of this map also includes nearby public libraries that have access to internet.  

This information is used to ensure these undercounted areas & populations are fully counted to help ensure a fair and accurate census.

2020 Census Complete Count Committee Website

A complete count committee is a volunteer committee established to increase awareness about and motivate residents to respond to the 2020 Federal Census. Find your local complete count committees here. 

Census 2020 Explained,

Shortened in English and Spanish


To learn more about the impact of the Census on Mass, check out our full version of Census 2020, Explained: How it Works and What's at Stake for Massachusetts, a recent report co-released by Boston Indicators and Mass Census Equity Fund.

2020 Census Counts National Website, Resource Library



The national 2020 Census Counts group created a library with resources for a wide range of community advocacy groups. You can download and use any of these documents.

Legal Updates for 2020 Census


The Massachusetts Census Equity Fund created a webpage that gathers resources for legal questions related to the Census. This includes materials on the Citizenship Question, information privacy, and who to contact for legal support around the Census. 


Here is a list of what organizations can and cannot do to support Self-Responses in Census 2020.  

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