The Massachusetts Census Equity Fund’s mission is to support community organizations and grassroots leaders who are organizing within their community to ensure the most accurate count in the Commonwealth. We are focusing especially on those who are often undercounted and in areas facing historic barriers to this Census.
Click here to learn about the organizations who received grants from MCEF.
HISTORY: Massachusetts Census Equity Fund 2010
In 2010 Massachusetts faced numerous challenges regarding redistricting and were at risk of losing a legislative seat. We also faced the ramifications of fraudulent actions at the state legislative level resulting from unfair use of data from the 2000 Census.
Facing this reality Access Strategies Fund reached out to funders across the state to partner and launch the Massachusetts Census Equity Fund with the following goals:
Increase Census response turnout by 5% in our Hard to Count(HTC) communities
Increase the capacity of community organizations for civic engagement and community organizing.
Foster funder collaborations on civic engagement and develop best practices in the area of census outreach.
Document lessons learned from organizations involved in census activities.
In just a 6 month period we accomplished so much!
12 funders came together to commit resources, time and talent to raise over $1 million and awarded 30 grants across the state.
Over half the communities where grantees worked increased their mail participation rates from 2000.
96% of organizations stated that participating in census outreach increased their capacity for civic engagement and community organizing.
What we learned during this process was long lasting:
Reaching HTC communities requires creative strategies and dedicated on-the-ground staff and volunteers that represent the communities being reached.
Appropriate language and cultural outreach strategies are essential to increasing participation of HTC communities.
Funder and grantee initiatives are critical for statewide collaboration, particularly for rural and underserved communities.
Organizations and communities need more time to educate and inform their constituents about the importance of the Census.
Partnership is key - State, Census, Elected officials, grasstops and grassroots ALL need to be in communication with one another as much as possible, and we can help make that happen.
African Television Network of New England
Agencia Alpha
Asian American Resource Workshop
Asian Community Development Corporation
BayPath Elder Services, Inc., Marlborough
Berkshire Immigrant Center
Boston Senior Home Care, Boston
Brazilian American Center, Framingham
Brazilian Women's Group, Brighton
Brazilian Worker Center
Cambodian Mutual Assistance Association of Greater Lowell, Lowell
Center for New Americans
Central Mass Agency on Aging
Centro Las Americas, Inc.
Chelsea Collaborative, Chelsea
Chinese Progressive Association, Boston
City Life/Vida Urbana, Boston
City Mission
Coalition for a Better Acre, Lowell
Community Foundation for Nantucket
Community Economic Development Center of Southeastern Mass, New Bedford
Council on American-Islamic Relations, Massachusetts, Boston
Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation, Dorchester
Edwards Church, United Church of Christ, Framingham
Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley, Lawrence
Fenway Community Health Center, Boston
Franklin Regional Council of Governments, Greenfield
Friendly House, Inc., Worcester
Groundwork Lawrence, Lawrence
Harvard Street Neighborhood Health Center
Immigrant Assistance Center of Greater Brockton, Brockton
Immigrants' Assistance Center, New Bedford
Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation, Jamaica Plain
Lawrence CommunityWorks, Inc., Lawrence
Lawyers for Civil Rights, Boston
Lowell Association for the Blind
Lowell Community Health Center
LEO, Inc., Lynn
Madison Park Development Corporation, Roxbury
Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers
Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center
Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless
Massachusetts Council of Churches
Massachusetts Housing and Shelter Alliance
Massachusetts Nonprofit Network
Massachusetts Voter Table
MetroWest Legal Services, Framingham
Neighbor to Neighbor, Boston
New England United 4 Justice, Dorchester
New American Association of Massachusetts
New England Bangledeshi American Foundation
New North Citizens' Council, Inc., Springfield
North American Indian Center of Boston
North Shore CDC
OneHolyoke CDC
Our Space Our Place
People Acting in Community Endeavors (PACE)
Pioneer Valley Regional Ventures Center, Springfield
Project Citizenship, Boston
Quincy Asian Resources Inc., Quincy
Revere Youth in Action, Director
Somali Development Center
South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc., Framingham
Southeast Asian Coalition of Massachusetts, Worcester
Spanish American Center
Stavros Center for Independent Living
United Way of North Central Massachusetts
Valley Opportunity Council, Holyoke and Chicopee
Vietnamese American Initiative for Development, Inc., Dorchester
Women Encouraging Empowerment, Revere
Worcester Interfaith, Worcester
YWCA Newburyport
YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts
Herman & Frieda L. Miller Foundation